Dear Parent/Caregiver,
Be honest – does your child sometimes drive you a little CRAZY? Is parenting more difficult than it used to be with homework, friends, and activities to manage? Well, you are not alone!
Join other concerned parents like you in a wonderful, family-oriented program called Strengthening Families: For Parents and Youth 10-14. This FUN, free program will be offered seven Thursday nights from April 8 – May 20, 5:30-8:00 p.m., at the Montrose High School. It will bring together parents/caregivers and their kids to:
Ø Share their dreams, wishes and goals for the future.
Ø Learn the most effective ways to communicate with each other.
Ø Develop great problem-solving skills to handle problems as they arise.
Ø Increase and enhance family bonding.
Ø Decrease risky behaviors like teen drug and alcohol abuse.
Families across Susquehanna County have already participated in the Strengthening Families Program and report that their families are closer, are working better together to prevent and resolve everyday issues, and have reduced tension and frustration in their households. Kids, especially, report remembering and using some of the lessons they’ve learned to deal with difficult peer issues and to communicate better with their parents.
There is NO COST for this program, and it is open to ALL FAMILIES! Register to participate in the Strengthening Families Program, and you and your family will receive:
ü Family supper each Thursday night!
ü Child care for younger children!
ü Gifts and prizes – just for attending!
ü Great information and resources!
ü Opportunities to meet other families in your community!
Call Penn State Cooperative Extension of Susquehanna County at 278-1158 or e-mail
lak25@ag.psu.edu to register. Space is limited, so call or e-mail us as soon as possible!
Jan Cohen
Family Resiliency Educator