Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mrs. Rhone's & Mrs. Skal's Fabulous 50th Day of Kindergarten

On Tuesday, November 22, Mrs. Rhone’s and Mrs. Skal’s Kindergarten classes celebrated the 50th Day of Kindergarten, 1950’s style! Of course, we dressed up in our best 50's gear and danced whenever we had a chance. The Jitterbug, the Hand Jive and Twist were the dances on our list! We compared today to the 50’s and talked about what was so nifty: Lassie, Howdy Doody, poodle skirts, greased hair, bowling, hula hoop and of course, counting to 50! We integrated social studies, science, math, music and movement and art into our theme with activities such as: now and then, predicting if ice cream sinks/floats in Coke floats, patterning, counting, addition, subtraction and spin art. We concluded our day with a 1950’s party that demonstrated all of our activities to our parents.
Happy 50th Day of Kindergarten!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thank You!

Dear Kindergarten Families and BR Community,

On Saturday, November 19, Kindergarten had a very successful bake sale! We are very thankful for donated baked goods and monetary donations that our community contributed. Special thanks to Mrs. Kira Connelly, our PTO President for assisting 5K Kindergarten teachers with our Saturday bake sale!

Thanks for your support!

5K Kindergarten Teachers

Monday, November 21, 2011

Coat Drive at BR!

This past Saturday the BREA & Leo club sponsored a Coat Give Away. We gave out 262+ coats to people in need. Thank you all who donated or helped in some way. The people were very appreciative & thankful, many had lost clothing in this years flood. We will collect all year to stock up for next year. Please feel free to bring in coats anytime & I will store them. All the coats the Blue Ridge family donated have gone to a new home & we do not have any coats left. Best time to buy is off season, many stores have fantastic deals on new coats in the summer & spring.

Thanks again for helping make our community warmer this winter season!

Kristen Hinkley
FCS Teacher
Leo Club Advisor

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Kindergarten's Annual Thanksgiving Feast!!

This Year's Top Feed A Friend Grade was..............Grade 1

1st Grade collected 157 cans of jello to support the Feed a Friend Program. Pictured above is First Grade enjoying their extra recess on the new playground.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

American Education Week (Nov 14-18)

To celebrate American Education Week the Blue Ridge Elementary School had a Community Read Aloud and a Parent Visitation Day on Tuesday, November 15.

Students really enjoyed hearing stories from their class visitors and also having the chance to have their parents stop by and visit and see what they do at school.

BRES would like to thank parents who took time out of their day to stop by and visit our school.

Veteran's Day Assembly (November 11, 2011)

On November 11, 2011 the Blue Ridge MS/HS Leo Club and the Blue Ridge ES combined their efforts to recognize local Veterans. The Blue Ridge MS/HS Leo Club recognized and thanked our local Veterans by providing a breakfast prior to the Veteran's Day Assembly, put on by the Blue Ridge ES.

The program was well-attended and 35 local Veterans and Auxiliary members were in attendance.

The Assembly consisted of.....................


PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Please rise)...........................................Bill Kienzler, Commander
(American Legion Post 357)

NATIONAL ANTHEM (Please rise) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 5th Grade Select Choir & school
Directed by Kristen Burkhart

INVOCATION (Please rise). . . . . . . . . Chaplain (Veterans’ organization) Reverend James Sollar


MESSAGE ON VETERANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ron Cranage, Commander
(Veterans of Foreign War Post 6223)

“THANK A VET” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5TH Grade Select Choir
Directed by Kristen Burkhart

INTRODUCE VETERANS IN ATTENDANCE - VFW . . . . . . Ron Cranage, Commander
(Veterans of Foreign War Post 6223)

INTRODUCE VETERANS IN ATTENDANCE –AM LEGION. .......... Bill Kienzler, Commander
(American Legion Post 357)

“IN SERVICE OF OUR COUNTRY. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5TH Grade Select Choir
Directed by Kristen Burkhart

INTRODUCE AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY . . . . . ………Vicki Moelaer, Auxiliary President (American Post 357)

INTRODUCE VFW AUXILIARY . . . . . …………………………. Willy Sollar, Auxiliary President
(Veterans of Foreign War Post 6223)

PLAYING OF TAPS (Please rise). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nathaniel Wellman
HS Band Student

“THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Select Choir and Audience

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

TerraCycle Leap Into Fall Points Giveaway: We Won!

TerraCycle Leap Into Fall Points Giveaway: We Won!
Here in the elementary school we participate in the TerraCycle waste collection program. By participating in the program, we earn money for our school, which we put towards recycling and other green initiatives.Today I got exciting news that we were one of the winners for October's Leap Info Fall Points Giveaway! During October and November, TerraCycle is giving away 5,000 additional TerraCycle points to five winning locations each month. 5,000 points equals $50 dollars for our school. Every time we sent in a shipment of collected materials to TerraCycle during these months, we earned an entry in the contest.

We won!Thank you to the classroom teachers and students who have been working hard to collect and sort TerraCycle items. Your hard work in October certainly paid off!
To learn more about TerraCycle collection at Blue Ridge, visit our GreenBRSD wiki.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Playground

The "New Playground" is assembled and almost ready for students to use. If all goes well this week the students will be able to use the playground on Friday, November 11.

BRES would like to say "THANKS" to all of the volunteers who volunteered their time to assemble the new playground.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

During the week before Halloween, in Miss Carden’s class, the students learned about names for body parts and clothing. As part of the seasonal unit, the students learned about scarecrows.
For a Halloween treat, Mrs. McFadden, Speech Therapist, was invited to the elementary life skills class to read a story.

The story was: The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams. At the end of the story, the little old lady made a scarecrow, and so did the students! The students identified clothing, body parts, and dressed the scarecrow.