Sunday, March 30, 2014

Title: Top Student Fundraisers and Essay Winners for the Annual 6th Grade Blue Ridge Washington DC trip.

Each year for approx the past 40 years the 6th grade students at Blue Ridge have attended Washington DC. Currently the trip is organized through an organization called Creative Adventures for Education (C.A.F.E.). CAFE (Creative Adventures for Education, Inc) is a volunteer 501c3 non profit formed in 2000. This educational class  trip is 4 days and 3 nights and the students raise the money thru fund raising.. Top fund raisers will be laying the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers The winners of the essay contest will be part of a wreath laying at Geo Washington grave site at Mount Vernon. This year’s trip will run from April 9-12.

Top Male Fundraiser: Tyler Six
Top Female Fundraiser: Mackenzie Cook
Essay Contest (1st place = Ashley Torres) (2nd place = Allison Marshmen)
Pictured (L-R): Tyler Six, Mackenzie Cook, Allison Marshmen, and Ashley Torres, Tom Chamberlain (C.A.F.E. President).

BRES Student Standouts for March 2014

Back row:  Dezden Gunn, William Colwell, Robert Lindquist, Vanessa Clapper, Jenna McCarthy,
Marissa Derrick, Lydia Andusko

Row 3:  Elisha Lewis, Logan Frantz, Katie Gordon, Breanna Derrick, Nicholas Pallman, Dylan Ross

Row 2:  Skyler Vonohlen, Glacier Clark, Jadyn Beers, Brogen Gunn, Gavin Hayes

Front Row:  Patrick Mullen, Gracie Jenisky

Absent from photo are:  Lillian Edwards, Gage Morris, Michael Rosa, Molly Yannone, Kiara Thongthip-Hobart,
Noah Shankman

BRES February Citizen of the Month Students

Back:  Malaki Upright, Katie White, Brea Conrad, Olivia Colwell, Alexis Parks
4th Row:  Chase Cosgrove, Mason Kays, Leigha McCain, Emily Marvin
3rd Row:  Samuel Callahan, Luke Shea, Aubree Kupst, Lindsey Shaw, Madison Gaylord
2nd Row:  Lyam Rudock, Micah Landis, Evander Dutcher
Front:  Robert Cain III, Lauren Ross, Emily Klock, Matthew Carey
Absent from photo:  Alexander Steele, Madyson Tompkins, Julianna Serra, Christiana Mock,
Ricky Dunn

Blue Ridge Pre-K Visits Brant’s Dairy Farm

Sixty-five pre-kindergarten students from Blue Ridge Elementary School recently visited Brant’s Dairy Farm located near Susquehanna.  The trip was to celebrate completion of the classes’ “In the City, In the Country” unit.  The unit begins by teaching the aspects of country life and farming. The children learn about different types of farms and what they produce. They then learn about cities and how products produced on the country farms gets transported to the city for people to buy.

In preparation for the field trip each of the classes were a visited by Susquehanna County Dairy Maids Reese Allen and Alexis Parks.  Miss Allen and Miss Parks taught students about where milk comes from and how dairy products are produced.  They also talked about the importance of eating a minimum of three dairy servings daily.  Both Allen and Parks are fourth grade students at Blue Ridge Elementary School.

When the students arrived at the farm they were welcomed by farm owners Keith and Pam Brant and their four-year old son Kyle.  The Brant’s had a variety of helpers to assist with the tour including farm employees Curtis Travis, Lisa Zurn, and Maria Diaz. The Susquehanna County Dairy Princess Mercedes Spickerman and Dairy Promotions Committee Members Michelle Kowalewski and Evie Goff also aided with teaching students and answering many questions during the tour.  During the field trip to the farm they had the opportunity to see how a cow is milked, learn how much cows eat, and see the bulk tank, where milk is stored on the farm before it is picked-up.  One of the most popular stops along the tour was visiting the calves that were born at the farm!  At the conclusion of the tour students got to see the farm tractors and enjoy a yogurt dairy snack provided by the Susquehanna County Dairy Princess Mercedes Spickerman!

This is the second year in a row that Mrs. Whitehead and Mrs. Hobbs’ Pre-K classes were able to visit Brant’s Dairy Farm in coordination with their “In the City, In the Country” unit.  According to Mrs. Whitehead, “This field trip is a great life connection for our students to experience.”

Blue Ridge Elementary Family Math Night Program

The Blue Ridge Elementary School will be hosting a Family Math Night Program for parents and guardians with students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 5.

Provide an informational session to families to increase their understanding of PA Common Core Standards for Math and the Pearson EnVision Math program we use in the Elementary School for grades K-5. Increased parent understanding will be a beneficial asset to increasing student’s math achievement and support family and school partnerships.

Date:               April 15, 2014
Time:              6:00-8:00pm
Location:        Cafeteria

6:00-6:30         PTO Meeting
6:30-7:00         Common Core and Envision Overview
7:00-7:30         Breakout Sessions with Teachers
Ø      K and 1: April Rhone (K) and Cheryl Farrell (Gr1)
Ø      2 and 3: Brian Woodruff (2) and Sarah Templeton (Title I)
Ø      4 and 5: Danelle Decker (4) and Stacy Wolfe (5)
7:30-8:00         Question and Answer session (will give parents/guardians with multiple                          children the opportunity to visit other grade levels)

Note: The program is for parents and guardians. Babysitting will be provided if your children need to attend with you. There will also be refreshments provided by the BRES PTO.

To help us get an estimate how many families will be attending, please complete the section below, tear off, and return to the elementary office by Friday, April 4th.

Any questions, please contact Matthew Button, BR Elementary Principal (570-465-3141x603 or  

BR Elementary Family Math Night Program

Student(s) Name(s): _____________________    Grade/Teacher:  __________________

Parent Names: ___________________________________________________________

_____ (Yes) I plan to attend the Family Math Program on April 15, 2014

_____ Number of parents/guardians attending

_____ Number of children attending (for babysitting purposes)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

4th and 5th Grade "Straight A" Students for Marking Period #2

2013-14 School year
Marking Period #2

Ms. Chamberlain
Lydia Andusko
Ryan Mills
Breanna Post

Mrs. Glezen
Sierra Bross
Brandon Gentile
Destiny Posaski

Mrs. Pearson
Mason Conklin
Marissa Derrick

Mrs. Wolfe
Cassidy Howe
Andrew Scott
Anthony Torres

Ms. Daniels
Kayla Blaisure
Collin Deupree
Richard Dunn
Layla Gregory
Danielle Tierney

Mrs. Decker
Reese Allen
Hannah Gallagher
Alexis Parks

Mr. Jones
Rayne Glover
Sienna Kowalewski
Ashley Tomassacci