Today's Character Education Message is:
Think of one good thing that others respect about you.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Tristan Leon
Erin Houlihan
Aleya Baker
Shelby Seamans
LJ Upright
Joel Bayle
Click Here to View Blue Ridge Elementary School's Weekly Newsletter
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
High School Students and Kindergarten Students Working Together!

As part of our classroom reward and our apple unit, Miss Swartwood's class went to Mrs. Hinkley's class in the Home Economics room and learned how to follow recipes to bake apple crisp and make fruit smoothies. We followed some very simple steps. First, we washed our hands. Next, we measured, mixed, and added ingredients. Then, we baked our apple crisp and blended our smoothies. Finally, we got to eat our yummy treats! Mrs. Hinkley and her students guided us through these recipes. We had a wonderful time and had a great experience learning how to follow recipes! This hands-on activity was a great way for high school and elementary students to interact in a positive way!
Grade 3 is Working Together!
Character Education ~ September 29
Today's Character Education Message is:
Respect the property of others.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Carling Renwick
Respect the property of others.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Carling Renwick
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed!
On this week’s FUN Friday, the kindergarteners from Mrs. Rhone’s & Mrs. Skal’s classrooms celebrated Johnny Appleseed’s Birthday by participating in safe classroom cooking activities. The students listened to a big book entitled, The Story of Johnny Appleseed by Aliki and discussed the good traits of the character, John Chapman (aka. Johnny Appleseed), as well as compare the clothing, houses, and objects from the past to the present. Through the use of United Streaming and our classroom projector, the students were also able to view a ten-minute video clip of this folk legend. Then the students practiced their fine motor skills by making a hat shaped as a “pan” as Johnny Appleseed wore in his book. The kindergarteners also participated in making apple butter. The students watched and participated in coring an apple with teacher assistance. Then the students cut the apple into small pieces through the use of a plastic knife. The students observed the apples boil in water in an electric frying pan and had the opportunity to add spices to the apples. In relation to science, the students examined matter (apples) change as heat, water, and spices were added. The students were introduced to another “healthy choice” snack as they ate the apple butter on unsalted crackers. This FUN Friday activity addressed several Kindergarten Pennsylvania Science (Physical Science: Chemistry) and Social Studies (Historical Analysis & Skills Development) teaching standards. Other teaching standards embedded in this activity were literature, oral language/math (sequential words in recipes), technology, character education and health/safety (cooking safety). The students were surprised that Johnny Appleseed packed some apple butter for them to share at home! YUM!
On this week’s FUN Friday, the kindergarteners from Mrs. Rhone’s & Mrs. Skal’s classrooms celebrated Johnny Appleseed’s Birthday by participating in safe classroom cooking activities. The students listened to a big book entitled, The Story of Johnny Appleseed by Aliki and discussed the good traits of the character, John Chapman (aka. Johnny Appleseed), as well as compare the clothing, houses, and objects from the past to the present. Through the use of United Streaming and our classroom projector, the students were also able to view a ten-minute video clip of this folk legend. Then the students practiced their fine motor skills by making a hat shaped as a “pan” as Johnny Appleseed wore in his book. The kindergarteners also participated in making apple butter. The students watched and participated in coring an apple with teacher assistance. Then the students cut the apple into small pieces through the use of a plastic knife. The students observed the apples boil in water in an electric frying pan and had the opportunity to add spices to the apples. In relation to science, the students examined matter (apples) change as heat, water, and spices were added. The students were introduced to another “healthy choice” snack as they ate the apple butter on unsalted crackers. This FUN Friday activity addressed several Kindergarten Pennsylvania Science (Physical Science: Chemistry) and Social Studies (Historical Analysis & Skills Development) teaching standards. Other teaching standards embedded in this activity were literature, oral language/math (sequential words in recipes), technology, character education and health/safety (cooking safety). The students were surprised that Johnny Appleseed packed some apple butter for them to share at home! YUM!
Character Education ~ September 28
Today's Character Education Message is:
Show daily respect for your family.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Jack Donahue
Jacob Birtch
Show daily respect for your family.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Jack Donahue
Jacob Birtch
Friday, September 24, 2010
Character Education ~ September 24
Today's Character Education Message is:
If we respect others, they will respect us back.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Anthony DeVoe
If we respect others, they will respect us back.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Anthony DeVoe
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Prehistoric Cave Paintings
Fifth Grade students have been learning about Prehistoric Cave Paintings in art class. They made the paintings in a "cave like" atmosphere using only spotlights (our version or torches) for lighting. Fifth graders learned how cave artists made paint and what they used to apply it. Also, the fifth graders learned reasons why cave artists painted the walls.

Character Education ~ September 23
Today's Character Education Message is:
If we respect authority, we are much safer.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Jerry Kelly
Kendrick Moon
Julia Rudick
William Rudick
Branden Walker
Heidi Lynch
Sean Knight
Mary Kerr
Ashley Mirra
Shane Neal
If we respect authority, we are much safer.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Jerry Kelly
Kendrick Moon
Julia Rudick
William Rudick
Branden Walker
Heidi Lynch
Sean Knight
Mary Kerr
Ashley Mirra
Shane Neal
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Character Education ~ September 21
Today's Character Education Message is:
You must work and be responsible to earn the respect of others.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Katelyn Spencer
Kendra Millard
Shelby Seamans
You must work and be responsible to earn the respect of others.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Katelyn Spencer
Kendra Millard
Shelby Seamans
Monday, September 20, 2010
Parenting Series at Mountain View SD
Beginning Wednesday, September 22 at 7 PM, “Life Strategies for Parenting in the 21st Century”, a free 6-Week series for parents of school-aged children will be sponsored by the Mountain View Counseling Department. All programs will be held in the Mountain View High School Library. The series will run from 7 to 8:15 PM each Wednesday from September 22 through October 27. Mr. Jason Legg, Susquehanna County District Attorney will be the lead guest presenter for the first session, “Texting, Sexting, and Facebook: Cyber Safety and Bullying”.
Though the programs will be held at the high school, all topics are appropriate for parents of elementary school aged children. Topics for subsequent sessions include: “Partnering for Healthy and Safe Kids: Risk Factors and How to Develop a Child’s Strengths”; “Seeing Red and Feeling Blue: Coping with Anxiety and Depression”; “Hot Soup in a Moving Car: Challenges in Family Living”; “We Were Just Having a Little Fun… Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse”; and “Looking Through the Windshield Not the Rearview Mirror: Encouraging Student Success”.
Each session will be facilitated by members of the Mountain View Counseling Department; Carole Heier Rainey, Elementary Counselor, Kate Farrell Kurosky and Donna P. Porter, High School Counselors, Diana Slick and Jamie Lee White, At-Risk Counselors for Elementary and High School respectively. Additional guest presenters include: Mr. Thomas L. Sheeran III, LCSW, Susquehanna County Director for NHS Human Services, and Mr. Andrew Granick, and Ms. Traci Decker, Treatment Coordinator, TreHab.
Childcare will be available at no cost. For further information contact any member of the Mountain View Counseling Staff: or 434-2501.
Though the programs will be held at the high school, all topics are appropriate for parents of elementary school aged children. Topics for subsequent sessions include: “Partnering for Healthy and Safe Kids: Risk Factors and How to Develop a Child’s Strengths”; “Seeing Red and Feeling Blue: Coping with Anxiety and Depression”; “Hot Soup in a Moving Car: Challenges in Family Living”; “We Were Just Having a Little Fun… Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse”; and “Looking Through the Windshield Not the Rearview Mirror: Encouraging Student Success”.
Each session will be facilitated by members of the Mountain View Counseling Department; Carole Heier Rainey, Elementary Counselor, Kate Farrell Kurosky and Donna P. Porter, High School Counselors, Diana Slick and Jamie Lee White, At-Risk Counselors for Elementary and High School respectively. Additional guest presenters include: Mr. Thomas L. Sheeran III, LCSW, Susquehanna County Director for NHS Human Services, and Mr. Andrew Granick, and Ms. Traci Decker, Treatment Coordinator, TreHab.
Childcare will be available at no cost. For further information contact any member of the Mountain View Counseling Staff: or 434-2501.
Grandparents' and Goodies Day!

Mrs. Rhone’s and Mrs. Skal’s Kindergarten classes celebrated Grandparents’ and Goodies Day on this week’s Fun Friday. The kindergarteners sang, danced and kept rhythm to the song entitled “Grandparents’ Day” to the tune of Take Me to the Ball Game. After this special performance, each kindergartener presented their grandparent(s) with a special keepsake of their handprint accompanied with a poem. Then the kindergarteners built and shared an ice cream sundae with their grandparent(s) as one would in an old-fashioned ice cream shoppe. Afterwards, the grandparents were invited to the classrooms for a tour by their grandchild. This special engagement is a creative way of meeting the Pennsylvania Early Childhood Standards in Music and Movement and Social/Emotional Development. Mrs. Rhone’s and Mrs. Skal’s volunteer foster grandparents, Ms. Norine Jenner and Ms. Betty Walker were thanked and recognized for their hard work and dedication in the kindergarten classrooms. Extra special thanks for to Mrs. Linda Cole-Koloski, our Food Service Manager and our custodial staff for making this day possible. Please look for our upcoming article in the Scranton Times. Displayed are some pictures of this very special event!
Character Education ~ September 20
Today's Character Education Message is:
Respect must be earned.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Mrs. Hubi
Nichelle Clark
Olivia Martin
Sarah Marble
Hunter Chase
Austin Galusha
Bre Hausser
Respect must be earned.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Mrs. Hubi
Nichelle Clark
Olivia Martin
Sarah Marble
Hunter Chase
Austin Galusha
Bre Hausser
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Mrs. Gaylord - AM Abby Laude Being kind to others
Mrs. Hobbs – AM Nathan Garrehy Raising his hand to be called on
Mrs. Hobbs – PM Rebecca Robbs Following directions
Mrs. Whitehead – AM Connor Cranage Excellent job following classroom rules
Mrs. Whitehead– PM Calvin Connelly Excellent job following classroom rules
Miss Berger Dalton Rutter Always listening
Mrs. Rhone Grace Graf Knowing and following our morning routine
Mrs. Skal Aleya Baker Following the rules
Ms. Swartwood Gracey Hinkley Helping students adjust to classroom routines
Ms. Wood Dezden Gunn Being a good friend and helpful classmate
Mrs. Button Milia Stilloe Always follows Mrs. Button’s directions
Mrs. Farrell Angel Alvarez Always being prepared
Mrs. Orner Isaiah Rosa Making great choices without being told
Mrs. Treible Toby Sparks II Excellent manners at our Summer Reading Assembly!
Mrs. Hepler Kaelin Hughes Agenda signed and homework is on time
Ms. Kogut Lydia Andusko Being respectful and responsible
Ms. Trusky Makena Slater Excellent listener and works very hard in class
Mr. Woodruff Sierra Bross Awesome classroom behavior
Mr. Burchell Cheyanne Bross For being an excellent friend
Mr. Dibble Elliot Maginley Excellent job of keeping track in his agenda!
Mrs. Miller Tori Auckland Excellent behavior and completing all assignments
Mrs. Watkins Josiah Smalley Staying on task and focusing in third grade!
Miss Daniels Daniel Tierney Excellent job following rules
Mrs. Decker Keith Skeen Excellent job following classroom directions
Mr. Goff Mackenzie Lewis Neatest desk
Mr. Jones William Rudick Excellent class effort
Mrs. Jones Jonathan Blewett Clean desk
Mrs. Scott Devon Colwell Extraordinary writing
Mr. Treible Julia Rudick Clean desk
Mrs. Wolfe Miranda Brulla Cleanest desk
Mrs. Bleck Dylan Stone Coming to class prepared
Ms. Conaboy Luis Alvarez Following directions
Ms. Felkowski John Barry Great at following directions
Mrs. Suchy Marissa Sharer Good listener
Mrs. Gaylord - AM Abby Laude Being kind to others
Mrs. Hobbs – AM Nathan Garrehy Raising his hand to be called on
Mrs. Hobbs – PM Rebecca Robbs Following directions
Mrs. Whitehead – AM Connor Cranage Excellent job following classroom rules
Mrs. Whitehead– PM Calvin Connelly Excellent job following classroom rules
Miss Berger Dalton Rutter Always listening
Mrs. Rhone Grace Graf Knowing and following our morning routine
Mrs. Skal Aleya Baker Following the rules
Ms. Swartwood Gracey Hinkley Helping students adjust to classroom routines
Ms. Wood Dezden Gunn Being a good friend and helpful classmate
Mrs. Button Milia Stilloe Always follows Mrs. Button’s directions
Mrs. Farrell Angel Alvarez Always being prepared
Mrs. Orner Isaiah Rosa Making great choices without being told
Mrs. Treible Toby Sparks II Excellent manners at our Summer Reading Assembly!
Mrs. Hepler Kaelin Hughes Agenda signed and homework is on time
Ms. Kogut Lydia Andusko Being respectful and responsible
Ms. Trusky Makena Slater Excellent listener and works very hard in class
Mr. Woodruff Sierra Bross Awesome classroom behavior
Mr. Burchell Cheyanne Bross For being an excellent friend
Mr. Dibble Elliot Maginley Excellent job of keeping track in his agenda!
Mrs. Miller Tori Auckland Excellent behavior and completing all assignments
Mrs. Watkins Josiah Smalley Staying on task and focusing in third grade!
Miss Daniels Daniel Tierney Excellent job following rules
Mrs. Decker Keith Skeen Excellent job following classroom directions
Mr. Goff Mackenzie Lewis Neatest desk
Mr. Jones William Rudick Excellent class effort
Mrs. Jones Jonathan Blewett Clean desk
Mrs. Scott Devon Colwell Extraordinary writing
Mr. Treible Julia Rudick Clean desk
Mrs. Wolfe Miranda Brulla Cleanest desk
Mrs. Bleck Dylan Stone Coming to class prepared
Ms. Conaboy Luis Alvarez Following directions
Ms. Felkowski John Barry Great at following directions
Mrs. Suchy Marissa Sharer Good listener
Character Education ~ September 16
Today's Character Education Message is:
Respect your physical health by eating properly and exercising regularly.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Katelyn Spencer
Mrs. Parsons
Kendrick Moon
Sarah Vogel
Respect your physical health by eating properly and exercising regularly.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Katelyn Spencer
Mrs. Parsons
Kendrick Moon
Sarah Vogel
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Through the use of Technology, Literature-Based Mathematics and Science Instruction Caught the Eyes of our Kindergarten Caterpillars!
Mrs. Rhone’s and Mrs. Skal’s Kindergarten classes shared another FUN Friday filled with an assortment of educational activities. This week both Kindergarten classes listened to the big book entitled, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. This book introduces the lifecycle of the butterfly through the eyes of a caterpillar. Both Kindergarten classes have been observing real caterpillars in their science centers and were given the opportunity to share their findings with each other. After doing so, the students constructed a two-sided mobile. One side of the mobile presented the character from the story. The ability to identify the character in a story is one of this week’s target areas in our new literacy series, Reading Street. The other side of the mobile displayed the lifecycle of a butterfly with beans and colored macaroni. In addition, the student’s creation of an AB or ABC pattern from his/her observation of the caterpillar and butterfly was decorated on the outer edge of this side of the mobile. We also emphasized the Amazing Word, “cooperation” from our first unit in Reading Street. Please view the picture above of “cooperation” in action! Both Mrs. Rhone and Mrs. Skal would like to extend a big THANK YOU to our elementary librarian, Mrs. Janelle Tench, for her assistance with the document camera. We were able to utilize a document camera to not only provide step by step visual instructions of the project but magnify our real caterpillars to make observations like actual scientists do!
Character Education ~ September 14
Today's Character Education Message is:
If you respect your teachers, they will respect you!
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Mrs. Bailey
If you respect your teachers, they will respect you!
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Mrs. Bailey
Monday, September 13, 2010
Character Education ~ September 13
Today's Character Education Message is:
Respect your teachers.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Eli Aldrich
Respect your teachers.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Eli Aldrich
Friday, September 10, 2010
Summer Reading Log Assembly
Character Education ~ September 10
Today's Character Education Message is:
Respect the property of others.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Shane Neal
Jacob Birtch
Joshua Decker
Luis Alvarez
Alison Roses
Damien Manzer
Austin Galusha
Hunter Chase
Sequoia Merriott
Miranda Brulla
Cole Aukland
Emma Mangel
Billy Dixon
Briell Susavage
Dillon Murphy
Mikayla Lambiase
Charlie Randall
Victor Armondi
Hayley Kohlhepp
Respect the property of others.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Shane Neal
Jacob Birtch
Joshua Decker
Luis Alvarez
Alison Roses
Damien Manzer
Austin Galusha
Hunter Chase
Sequoia Merriott
Miranda Brulla
Cole Aukland
Emma Mangel
Billy Dixon
Briell Susavage
Dillon Murphy
Mikayla Lambiase
Charlie Randall
Victor Armondi
Hayley Kohlhepp
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Character Education ~ September 9
Today's Character Education Message is:
A positive attitude helps others respect you more.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Brittany Clapper
Austin Beach
Carson Church
A positive attitude helps others respect you more.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Brittany Clapper
Austin Beach
Carson Church
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Character Education ~ September 8
Today's Character Education Message is:
Never let anyone put you down!
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Coleman McCain
Never let anyone put you down!
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Coleman McCain
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!!!
We Promote “Healthy” Snack Eating with the Curriculum in our Classrooms!
Mrs. Rhone and Mrs. Skal are co-teaching in the afternoon on Fun Friday! Fun Friday is the time when these two kindergarten classes meet together to do special projects related to our curriculum and state standards. Co-Teaching is a research-based instructional method that allows the children to experience more than one style of teaching. In addition, both of the teachers improve their craft from watching one another teach your children! As an incentive for students to obey our school rules, children need to have a strong “Ready to Learn” or above track record on our behavior charts to be a participant vs. an observer in our Fun Friday activities. This Friday both Kindergarten classes listened and participated with musical instruments in this rhythmic chant entitled, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr., & John Archambault & Lois Ehlert. By doing so, the students practiced skills such as: syllable counting and letter identification. After the students followed sequential directions (application of ordinal numbers from our math & new literacy series) to make the healthy snack pictured above, a variety of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom learning centers reinforcing literacy skills were available for the students’ participation. Students were given the opportunity to try celery, apples and peanut butter. Our hope is that some children will request their parents to bring this inexpensive, simple recipe in for classroom snack. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom: Cool Things are Happening in Mrs. Rhone’s & Mrs. Skal’s Kindergarten Classrooms!!!
We Promote “Healthy” Snack Eating with the Curriculum in our Classrooms!
Mrs. Rhone and Mrs. Skal are co-teaching in the afternoon on Fun Friday! Fun Friday is the time when these two kindergarten classes meet together to do special projects related to our curriculum and state standards. Co-Teaching is a research-based instructional method that allows the children to experience more than one style of teaching. In addition, both of the teachers improve their craft from watching one another teach your children! As an incentive for students to obey our school rules, children need to have a strong “Ready to Learn” or above track record on our behavior charts to be a participant vs. an observer in our Fun Friday activities. This Friday both Kindergarten classes listened and participated with musical instruments in this rhythmic chant entitled, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr., & John Archambault & Lois Ehlert. By doing so, the students practiced skills such as: syllable counting and letter identification. After the students followed sequential directions (application of ordinal numbers from our math & new literacy series) to make the healthy snack pictured above, a variety of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom learning centers reinforcing literacy skills were available for the students’ participation. Students were given the opportunity to try celery, apples and peanut butter. Our hope is that some children will request their parents to bring this inexpensive, simple recipe in for classroom snack. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom: Cool Things are Happening in Mrs. Rhone’s & Mrs. Skal’s Kindergarten Classrooms!!!
Character Education ~ September 7
Today's Character Education Message is:
A good attitude helps others respect you more.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Alexis Parks
Evan Snyder
Haley Ebhardt
Rachel Upright
A good attitude helps others respect you more.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Alexis Parks
Evan Snyder
Haley Ebhardt
Rachel Upright
Friday, September 3, 2010
Character Education ~ September 3
Today's Character Education Message is:
Respect others by being courteous and kind.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Erin Houlihan
Josiah Smalley
Gia Fiore
Anthony DeVoe
Justice Mudge
Gracey Hinkley
Gideon Squier
Rebecca Robbs
Respect others by being courteous and kind.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Erin Houlihan
Josiah Smalley
Gia Fiore
Anthony DeVoe
Justice Mudge
Gracey Hinkley
Gideon Squier
Rebecca Robbs
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Character Education ~ September 2
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Ana Sargent
Dylan Stone
Garrett Mansfield
Brandon Walker
Jared Tyler
Gavin Stintsman
Gabe Waldowski
Ben Bleck
Garrett Peters
Eli Aldrich
Selena Breiner
September Anderson
Kelsey Wolfe
Bryant Beach
Kalyn Lewis
Cierra Bross
Trinity Whitmore
Ana Sargent
Dylan Stone
Garrett Mansfield
Brandon Walker
Jared Tyler
Gavin Stintsman
Gabe Waldowski
Ben Bleck
Garrett Peters
Eli Aldrich
Selena Breiner
September Anderson
Kelsey Wolfe
Bryant Beach
Kalyn Lewis
Cierra Bross
Trinity Whitmore
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Harvest of the Arts Festival Winners
Congratulations to the follownig students whose artwork won awards at the Harvest of the Arts Festival this past summer:
David Ferg 1st place
Dakota Stone 2nd place
Emma Mangel 2nd place
Devon Colwell 2nd place
Lisa Colwell 3rd place
David Ferg 1st place
Dakota Stone 2nd place
Emma Mangel 2nd place
Devon Colwell 2nd place
Lisa Colwell 3rd place
Character Education ~ September 1
Today's Character Education Message is:
Respect Yourself.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Stephanie Smith
Hunter Renwick
Tristan Leon
Eddie Swan
Respect Yourself.
Congratulations to the following people for being awarded Character Counts Coupons:
Stephanie Smith
Hunter Renwick
Tristan Leon
Eddie Swan
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