Mrs. Gaylord - AM Abby Laude Being kind to others
Mrs. Hobbs – AM Nathan Garrehy Raising his hand to be called on
Mrs. Hobbs – PM Rebecca Robbs Following directions
Mrs. Whitehead – AM Connor Cranage Excellent job following classroom rules
Mrs. Whitehead– PM Calvin Connelly Excellent job following classroom rules
Miss Berger Dalton Rutter Always listening
Mrs. Rhone Grace Graf Knowing and following our morning routine
Mrs. Skal Aleya Baker Following the rules
Ms. Swartwood Gracey Hinkley Helping students adjust to classroom routines
Ms. Wood Dezden Gunn Being a good friend and helpful classmate
Mrs. Button Milia Stilloe Always follows Mrs. Button’s directions
Mrs. Farrell Angel Alvarez Always being prepared
Mrs. Orner Isaiah Rosa Making great choices without being told
Mrs. Treible Toby Sparks II Excellent manners at our Summer Reading Assembly!
Mrs. Hepler Kaelin Hughes Agenda signed and homework is on time
Ms. Kogut Lydia Andusko Being respectful and responsible
Ms. Trusky Makena Slater Excellent listener and works very hard in class
Mr. Woodruff Sierra Bross Awesome classroom behavior
Mr. Burchell Cheyanne Bross For being an excellent friend
Mr. Dibble Elliot Maginley Excellent job of keeping track in his agenda!
Mrs. Miller Tori Auckland Excellent behavior and completing all assignments
Mrs. Watkins Josiah Smalley Staying on task and focusing in third grade!
Miss Daniels Daniel Tierney Excellent job following rules
Mrs. Decker Keith Skeen Excellent job following classroom directions
Mr. Goff Mackenzie Lewis Neatest desk
Mr. Jones William Rudick Excellent class effort
Mrs. Jones Jonathan Blewett Clean desk
Mrs. Scott Devon Colwell Extraordinary writing
Mr. Treible Julia Rudick Clean desk
Mrs. Wolfe Miranda Brulla Cleanest desk
Mrs. Bleck Dylan Stone Coming to class prepared
Ms. Conaboy Luis Alvarez Following directions
Ms. Felkowski John Barry Great at following directions
Mrs. Suchy Marissa Sharer Good listener
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