Monday, April 30, 2012

Local Government Contest Winners Recognized at New Milford Township Meeting

Essays and Pictures

Kayleen Conklin

Cassie Clapper

Making Books Come Alive at BRES! (Presented by BBC Education Students)

Students in grade PreK to Grade 2 had the opportunity to enjoy a Making Books Come Alive skit by Baptist Bible Education students. The students from Baptist Bible had four different programs they shared with students in grades PreK to Grade 2. The students enjoyed the performances and had an opportunity to be involved with some of the groups.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Attn: Parents
Come on out to our K-3 spring informance! This informal performance will be held on Friday, May 4 at 1:15 PM in the auditorium. It’s a great opportunity to see what we have been learning and doing in music class this year. We’d love to see you!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Artsonia Update!

The Elementary Art Program met the goal our Art Teacher, Miss Sarrah Dibble set in the fall to have at least one artwork for every student in the elementary on Artsonia. We have over 800 student artworks from Blue Ridge on the site and counting! They are hoping now to reach 1000 by the end of the year. Miss Dibble has also been able to purchase supplies that we have run out of through Artsonia's fundraising. Students can buy merchandise with their artwork printed on it. A portion of that goes to an art fund for the school. You can find our art gallery here:

Great Job to Miss Dibble and our Elementary Art students!!

5th Graders Building Murals in Art Class

The 5th grade art classes are making their annual murals that will be displayed around the Elementary School. These pieces are built around the theme of exercise, sports, and nutrition and will be displayed in the elementary office and health office.

You can see art work form former fifth grade art classes in the cafeteria seating area and in the serving lines.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

2nd Annual Local Government Week -- Coloring and Essay Contest Winners

PreK and K:

1st - Marissa Fiske

3rd - Elise Argust

HM - Brandon Carpenetti

Grade 1 and 2:

1st - Keeton Yannone

2nd - Dawson Stone

3rd - Noah Martin

HM - Taylor Holtzman

Grade 3 and 4:

1st - Kayleen Conklin

2nd - Ayden Judge

3rd - Cassidy Howe

HM - Garrett Peters

Grade 5:

1st - Cassandra Clapper
2nd - Sammy Cosmello

3rd - Sam Beesley

HM - Robert Reynolds

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

5th and 6th Grade Girls Travel Basketball Team Recognized

On Monday, April 2 the 5th and 6th Girls Travel Basketball Team was recognized for this past season's accomplishments. The following resolution was presented to the team.....................

5th and 6th Grade Girls Travel Basketball Team Resolution April 2, 2012

WHEREAS, the recently completed season has been an outstanding one for the 5th/6th Grade Girls (BRBC) Basketball Team, and

WHEREAS, the Girls BRBC Travel Team compiled an excellent record of ten wins and three losses, and

WHEREAS, this outstanding team captured the championship of the Girls Travel Team Championship Tournament held at Montrose School District and finished second in the Susquehanna Community Youth Basketball Tournament, and

WHEREAS, the members of the team: Emma Mangel, Alexa Stanley, Nichelle Clark, Gwen MacConnell, Abby Hartman, Delia Geyer, Emily Formosa, Miranda Brulla, Kristen Henley, Brianna Calla, Kaylnne Myers, Heidi Lynch, Alex Millard, Ashley Mirra, Anna Bonner, Makayla Philips, Danielle Goff, and Autumn Perrington practiced diligently, performed in an outstanding fashion, and conducted themselves in a manner which reflected credit on their school, and

WHEREAS, the team was superbly coached by Jim Mangel, Jody Stanley, and Pat MacConnell, and

WHEREAS, the Board of School Directors has been very supportive of the community youth athletic programs and eager to recognize outstanding achievement in this or any area of educational endeavor.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the official congratulations of the board be extended to these champions, to their coaches, parents, BRBC program, and the entire Blue Ridge Elementary and Middle School community.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Click on the link below to see how you can "Recycle Electonic Waste"..............

Free Electronic Waste Recycling Week in Hallstead, PA

Egg-Spedition: A Sight Word Egg Hunt

Mrs. Skal's student teacher, Ms. Amy Pfuelb and Mrs. Rhone's student teacher, Ms. Elizabeth Harris collaborated and designed a Sight Word Egg Hunt. Two sets of 80 sight words were hidden in the playground for our kindergarteners to discover. When an egg was found, each student was asked to read the sight word to a teacher, pick a prize, re-hide their egg and find another egg. At the conclusion of this activity, a group of students pictured displayed good character attributes and were awarded with a character coupon. Special thanks to our parents who donated several prizes for this activity. Ms. Pfuelb and Ms. Harris did an excellent job incorporating Common Core Standards into this fun, engaging activity!

Art Club Raises $700

Fifth Graders at Blue Ridge Elementary have completed the "Hexagon Project" this year in Sarrah Dibble's after school Art Club. The Hexagon Donation containers were placed in twenty locations in our local community. After counting the money collected, over $700 will be donated to Susquehanna County Interfaith. Interfaith will use the money to continue to help heat homes of those in need. Blue Ridge Fifth Grade Art clubs thanks everyone who helped on this project. The highest amount in one donation container was, fifth grader, Jerni Schell's whose container was at Reddons Drug Store. Her Hexagon contained $148.00. Students' projects will be a part of the Interdependence Day Art Exhibit in the fall of 2012. "Throughout the winter, many lower income families have to make the choice between keeping current with their rent and utility payments, orputting fuel in their tanks to heat their homes. Although more than 146households have received fuel assistance from Interfaith already this cold season, with more still calling weekly, this assistance only stretches so far. When spring arrives, many households begin receiving electric shut-off notices or eviction notices as a result of their financial strain during the winter. As Interfaith and other organizations face these upcoming needs, they welcome any support the community wishes to give. Although the hope of spring looms on the horizon, for a large number of residents of this county this ushers in a new set of difficulties in the aftermath of winter's demands. Only a community united in its care for others can rise to meet this challenge and provide hope to help our neighbors."(Information provided by Susquehanna County Interfaith)This project was a part of the "Hexagon Project". For more information please go to