Tuesday, October 29, 2013

6th Graders Teaching 2nd Graders

Mrs. Goff's period 2/3 language arts class modified an assignment that was done in sixth grade and brought it to Mrs. Gilboy's second grade class to try it with them.  The students were grouped with second graders and had an opportunity to be a teacher.
The second grade students were asked to pretend that they were from a planet were chocolate did not exist.  They were given a Hershey Kiss and asked to write about it using their 5 senses.

Career Day Speakers for Kindergarten and 2nd Grade..........BRES would like to thank all career day speakers for taking time out of their day to inspire our students!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

BRES Student Standout Students for October!!

Back Row:    Miss Boyko, Milia Stilloe, Megan Kibler, Calvin Brown, Brandon Findley, John Michael Phillips, Mrs. Decker
Third Row:     Cheyenne Kohlhepp, Dylan Bradley, Juliana Serra, Briauna Hausser, Dylan Colwell
Second Row: Teahen Hegedus, Aiden Page, Jaden Cokely, Riley Hayes, Brandon Carpenetti, Madison Carpenter
Front Row:    Gianna Callahan, Hunter Page, Alexander Krayeski, Abygaile Groover, Abigayle Blewett
Absent from photo:  Rebecca Paterno, Benjamin Buchanan

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Kindergarten Career Day!!

Career Day Speaker -- Tim Frantz (Accountant and Race Car Driver)

Career Day Speaker -- Gary Folk (Binghamton Precast and Supply)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

BRES Art Program Recognized at PSBA Education Excellence Fair

The Blue Ridge Elementary Art Program has encouraged and developed student learning in multiple areas, such as, Literacy, Cross-curricular projects, Community awareness, Character education, and Encouraging students to perform at all Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels. 
The schools art program has connected across the curriculum by...................
·        Second grade completes a “Desert Drawing” related with vocabulary learned in the classroom. 
·        Kindergarten decorates and creates an “Alphabet Banner” as a class. 
·        Third Grade makes an illustration using vocabulary words that describe the middle ages. 
·        Fourth graders create “Save the Sea Turtle” posters, build a three dimensional turtle, and adopt a turtle as a class, while learning about the endangered species.  

The schools art program allows students to respond creatively to ideas both socially and educationally by.................. 
·        Fifth Grade Art Club completes the “Hexagon Project” annually.  These students make donation containers and put them in local businesses.  Money is raised for people who cannot afford heating bills in the winter.  Donations are given to Interfaith. 
·        Students learned about character education and created murals illustrating each character trait.  Students created “Healthy Food Mosaics” that are displayed in the school’s cafeteria. 
The schools art program encourages students to think at all levels of Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Chart by............................
·        Art encourages students to work through a process and have multiple perspectives.
·        It forces students to create, design, connect, analyze, apply concepts, and critique. All of those words come from level four (extended thinking) on the DOK chart.

Success in Blue Ridge’s art program is evident in the projects and connections that the students make on a daily basis.  Whether it’s adopting a sea turtle in art class or taking home their Kachina Doll sculpture, the students have creative and positive experiences.  The enthusiasm of each student coming to art class excited to make things and learn is a great indicator. Art can be used as a resource within the school to reach students in a creative way.
Pictured (L-R): Laurie Bonner--BRSD Board President, Mrs. Sarrah Camburn, Andrew Scott, Clayton Whitney, Chris Cosmello--BRSD Board Vice-President

Pictured (L-R): Andrew Scott, Clayton Whitney, and Mrs. Camburn

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fifth graders presented their annual paintings in "cave style" at the Blue Ridge Elementary Open House on October 26. Students learned about prehistoric cave paintings in Mrs. Sarrah Dibble-Camburn's art class. Fifth graders learned reasons why the cave painters used the cave wall as their canvas, how they made prehistoric paint, and what tools they used to apply the paint.

The students then were able to paint their own cave paintings that were hung on the walls outside the art room to simulate a cave.

photo attached...bottom, left to right: Hailee Barton, Malaki Upright, Calvin Brown, Tori Morse, Jenna McCarthy, Ashleigh Yager, Lydia Andusko

Row two, left to right: Cassidy Parker, Cassidy Howe, Clayton Whitney, Ryan Blaisure, Anthony Dissinger, Garrett Conklin, Connor Mills

top row, left to right: Andrew Scott, Eddie Swan, Cameron Decker, Anthony Torres, Mikayla Starbuck

Susquehanna Beekeepers Association Visits BR 2nd graders

On Tuesday, October 8, second grade was visited by beekeepers from the Susquehanna Beekeepers Association. Second grade has been studying the interactions of living things; habitats, plants, animals, and humans. Mr. Wood, Mr. Barber, and Mr. Chapin shared with students the importance of bees in our world. They also shared what it is like to be a beekeeper. They brought in many of the tools they use and even showed a live bee colony. Students acted out the activities of bees in a colony, were able to ask many questions, and got to taste honey. Luciano Shea from Mrs. Hepler’s class shared a report that he had written about bees and Mr. Wood, Mr. Barber, and Mr. Chapin plan to feature it in their next newsletter. Thank you to the Susquehanna Beekeepers Association for their 14th visit to Blue Ridge.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Officer Buckle and Gloria Visit Kindergarten

Officer Buckle and Gloria came to Kindergarten to teach fire safety rules.

Rule #1: Get Out and Stay Out!
Rule #2: STOP, DROP, and ROLL (Cover your face).
Rule #3: Don't be scared of the firemen!