Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Research: What's That?

Fifth grade students are learning to conduct research during their library classes. Research is the process of collecting information about a particular topic. We are learning that there is A LOT to think about during the research process! Throughout the year students will be learning to use the Big6 Approach which involves:

Step 1: Task Definition
This is when you define your job, including questions that need to be answered, the kids of information needed, and how much you need.

Step 2: Information Seeking Strategies
This means thinking of all of the different ways that you could find the information you need and then picking the best ones.

Step 3: Location and Access
This means actually finding the sources of the information. This is when you figure out all of the places that might have what you need and figure out how to get the information.

Step 4: Use of Information
Now it's time to dig in and learn the material. You may end up reading it, listening to it, looking at it, etc. Taking notes is very important so that you can organize the information later.

Step 5: Synthesis
This is the toughest part. You have to put everything together in a way that makes sense to you and to other people.

Step 6: Evaluation
Even after you have solved the problem, it is important to go back and figure out how well you did and to look for ways to improve the next time you have a problem to solve.

For the first project of the year students are conducting Animal Research. They are learning to pick, evaluate, and cite sources and take notes. They are using 4 different sources for this project; nonfiction books, World Book Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Britannica Online, and Internet sites.

A screen shot of Encyclopedia Britannica Online.

Walter using a nonfiction book about Turtles and taking notes

Tyler taking notes from Encyclopedia Britannica Online.

Morgan choosing a World Book Encyclopedia.

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