Thursday, January 16, 2014

5th Grade "Multiplication" Tournament

At the beginning of the year, each 5th grade student was given a set of multiplication flash cards to begin studying.  On December 13, the second annual 5th grade multiplication tournament was held.  The students were divided into 4 groups based on a timed  assessment.  During the tournament, 2 players faced each other at a time.  The player with the fastest correct answer then faces the next opponent.  Each round was timed.    Each player’s score was kept for stating the correct answer the fastest for the duration of each round.  The players with the most quickly given correct answers moved to the next round.  In the first round there were approximately 20 students per group, down to around 10 students in 2nd round, and the final round had each group to 4 or 5 students.  At the end of round 3, a champion was named from each group for the getting the most timely correct answers.  The winners were Sierra Bross, Clay Repella, Ryan Glatzel, and Alex Gennarelli. The winners each received a $5.00 gift card to Video King and popcorn purchased by the fifth grade teachers.

Pictured (L-R): Clay Repella, Sierra Bross, Ryan Glatzel, Alex Gennareelli

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