Monday, April 29, 2013

 Mrs. Wolfe’s 5th grade students come up with new and creative ways to share the books they have read with the class.  Each month, students read a chapter book of choice.  While reading, they record predictions, characters, setting, and a summary of the book.  At the end of the month, they each present their book to the class in any way they want.  For example, a book letter, a power point, a paper Mache model, a play, a commercial, a triorama, etc. This month, Tori Auckland had the idea to recreate a scene from Double Fudge where one of the characters paints her feet and her father has her walk on a canvas.   Each student had one foot painted by another student and then stepped on a rolled out paper.  The class did not leave out their teacher, Mrs. Wolfe or Mr. Button, their principal.

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